All Newsletters
Hover over each newsletter to read information about the volume and the year the newsletter was released
This volume contains the retirement of Chief Curator James M. Edmonson and recognizing his impact on the Cleveland Medical Library Association. Furthermore, Amanda L. Mahoney is introduced as the next chief curator.
This volume announces the Dittrick’s hosting of the International Society for the History for Neurosciences. The mystery donor of the Pol Collection is also solved in this newsletter.
This volume announces the preparation of a catalogue stemmed from a visit last spring by Rowfant club members. Museum object catalog records are now available to the Dittrick Museum website. An exhibition called Cleveland Dentistry Re-visited is introduced.
This volume focuses on Brandy Schillace presenting “How Medicine Became Modern” at the EAHMS meeting. Upcoming exhibits such as the adverse effects of tight lacing and the history of respiratory therapy.
This volume explores the devotion from the Dittrick museum towards health within Cleveland. Also included is behind the scenes of the photography studio of the Dittrick Medical History Center along with a visit from the Cleveland Mayor.
This volume contains the Dittrick’s change to being under the umbrella of the College of Arts and Sciences. New lectures and exhibits are introduced such as an exhibit about the gender, health and nutrition during World War I. Finally, the CMLA board of trustees are introduced.
This volume reports the funding from the NEH for the project “How Medicine Became Modern” along with Jennifer Nieves report on the summer behind the scenes at Dittrick.
This volume contains the Dittrick Medical History Center tour to London, Bath and Oxford. Two faculty members share how they teach their courses at CWRU by making use of the Dittrick collection of rare books.
This volume features new events for members of the Friends of the Dittrick Museum which includes behind-the-scenes glimpse led by Dittrick staff. The projects from summer students at CWRU and surrounding schools are told in the students own words
This volume announces Virgina Saha’s retirement who has been the director of CHSL since 1999. This year provides an occasion to look at accomplishments and future directions at the Dittrick.
This volume explores how the Dittrick maintains ties to the international community. Furthermore, the tour to london to visit medical museums and collections are reported by Chief Curator James Edmonson.
This volume introduces a website for the virtual history of the Lakeside Unit of World War I by Jennifer Nieves. Several researchers this past year report on their findings in the archival collections at the Dittrick.